How does it work?

  1. A practice representative completes and submits the registration form for each branch in their practice. We simply need to know the number of Full Time Equivalent* (FTE) vets, nurses and VCAs in each branch (please fill out a separate form for each branch in which a vet or nurse/VCA is based).

  2. A follow up email will be sent to the practice representative with a request to upload the personal details of each vet, nurse and VCA in the practice (name, species focus, email and whether they are part, full time or a locum). None of this provision constitues permission to be communicated to and will not lead to emails or phone calls from suppliers.

  3. Each individual registered with us with then get a further email inviting them to complete their communication preferences. Permission provided at this stage may lead to a limited number of quality communications. Individuals can withdraw their permission at any time.

  4. Every 6 months we will be back in touch kindly requesting you to update your data or confirm that nothing has changed.

This information will be shared with third party subscribers who will use it to update their Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. Subscribers will pay an annual fee for access to the data. All fiscal surpluses will be invested in veterinary mental health chanrities and our own industry activites and published in the press.

*FTE vets is the adusted total of staff when allowing for part-time working (i.e. not just the number of individuals).The convention is that 1.0 FTE denotes a full time worker, 3 days a week is 0.6FTE and 1 day a week is 0.2 FTE etc. Therefore in a branch with 4 full time workers the FTE total is 4 but if two of those workers are 3 days a week the total is 3.2 FTE (1.0 +1.0 + 0.6 + 0.6).No allowances are made for different working conditions between branches or practices.